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  • Writer's pictureFrancesca

Why I'm Transitioning from Self Employed To Employee

Over the last year or so, Bekir and I started a new business together, Stalo Productions and it has been an incredible experience. But now we're shifting gears and returning to a more traditional arrangement, with both of us working full time in standard employment contracts.

You may be wondering why we would give up the freedom and creative control that comes along with running your own business. I mean, after all, we get to set our own rates, schedules, and goals. What more could you want, really?

Well, if you've ever started a business, you already know that it's hard. It's not just whatever your product or service is, it's also accounting, marketing, sales, and just about everything in between. And while we did love it, the challenge and reward of doing a job that we could be proud of - and doing it for ourselves.

So that brings us to the original question - why I am switching from self employed to employee?

The truth is that as much as we both enjoy the business, we also both miss being part of something bigger and more established. The camaraderie of colleagues and the opportunity to learn from someone more experienced than myself every day. And to be able to focus on what we're both good at as creatives - without the rest of the business side.

We think making this transition when we're in a new town will be the best way to not only take our professional lives to the next level, but also to become a part of the community. When you work remotely and together, it's easy to draw inwards - especially if you're not naturally extroverted.

So yes, while it is a big change, it is one that we are both looking forward to. And as a bonus, I'll have more topics on marketing and things like this to write about. :)

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