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  • Writer's pictureFrancesca

Restarting a Training Routine

Updated: Jun 2, 2019

Sometimes, no matter how fit or dedicated you are, life gets in the way and you slip out of a consistent running routine. But the beauty of running is that it is a sport you can return to. It's not always an easy or fun return, but it can be done. {disclaimer: make sure to talk to your doctor before beginning any exercise if you've been without for a while.}

In fact, I'm going through this right now with my re-start (which is what inspired this post) and it's rough. To know how fast you once were and not be able to get even close to that point. Not to mention the arrival of fat in places that didn't use to exist. But I digress. Getting back into is essential and it's character building, so there's no time like the present if you're procrastinating on the matter.

Need helping getting back into a routine? Here are the # things that I do when restarting my running routine.

1. Go at the coolest part of the day. This is almost always true but especially so if you've been off for a while. Having the benefit of slightly cooler temperatures will help to ease your transition and get started building up your endurance without making it too difficult.

2. Stay hydrated. Again, always true - especially if you're somewhere hot, but particularly as you're getting started to help your body recover faster. Hydration will also make the trainings themselves just that much more manageable or maybe even enjoyable.

3. Stretch a little extra. When your body isn't used to the exertion, you're much, much more likely to injure yourself. Spending a little extra time stretching after warming up and also after your exercise will help you bounce back faster and avoid injury.

4. Start easy. Even if you were running a marathon this time last year, it's not a good idea to jump back into a heavy 6-day per week rotation. Instead, consider starting with walking (particularly if you're struggling to find the motivation to even begin) and add running a few times a week for the first few weeks.

5. Be nice to yourself. If you feel frustrated by how much fitness you've lost, that's normal. But it doesn't have to set the tone for your running or exercise habits. Instead, focus on the fact that you're on your way back to that point - and maybe even beyond it.

6. Get enough rest. Sleep is important. It's even more important when you're working, living your life, and also trying to restart your exercise plan. Keep in mind that sleep is when your body rebuilds after exercise, so it's an essential practice for continued improvement.

7. Don't overdo it. As tempting as it may be to sign up for a race or two immediately and next week, resist the temptation. Why? Because as much as you'll tell yourself it'll be an easy, slow run, it won't be. You'll be tempted to run at your old pace and get annoyed by not being able to (in my experience at least).

8. Don't forget to cross train. Remember that running isn't just legs and having a strong back and core can be absolutely transformative. Integrate ab and back workouts before or after your run to help build more of your body.

9. Pay attention to your diet. Just because you're running again, doesn't mean you can return to marathon style diets for long daily runs. Instead keep a balanced diet and don't overdo the carbs.

10. Get new shoes. Even if yours seem to be OK, if they've been sitting for a while, it's time for a new pair. Why? Well first of all, quality and comfort. And secondly, there's nothing quite as motivating as a new pair of running shoes.

These are just a few tips that help me to get and stay going. What else do you do to keep your motivation and spirits high? Tell me about it in the comments.

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